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I used the Beach Boys tune as the title of this entry as I have spent several days in Louisville, the scene of my adolescence and consequently my high school days at Ballard High School. I have had the distinct pleasure of seeing several of my high school friends who are still in the area. I add a life philosophy to my journey: Be true to your friends and family. That is what is important to me.
It seems that they carry a bit of the life philosophy I had already picked up along Ted's Excellent Adventure: do what you love. That can either be in your work or in your passion. Sometimes work just supports your passion.
I am sorry I did not get pics of everyone; I located these on the internet.

Denny Cornett is somehow keeping younguns healthy in his pediatric practice, and has a passion for vintage motorcycles and race cars (and the garages to prove it!).

Walter Tunis works in a hospital by day to support his "real" job; he has been writing freelance music reviews since 1980 for the Lexington Tribune, and has a column and a blog:
The Musical Box.
Sloane Graff is making the world a better place, particularily through Habitat for Humanity.
Christy Kayse Farrier is just out of a cast for ankle ligament damage and is an avid University of Kentucky fan (and is loving the Pitinio incident).

The pic I did get is of my BFF Bill Harting. I think we are twin sons of different mothers, to borrow the Dan Fogelberg album title. In fact I called his mother "Other Mother." While his work is unfulfilling, he has found a passion in photograhy/videography and has started doin weddings. Bill lives in Greenwood, Indiana; I travelled up there today from Louisville.

Two additions: first is a pic of Watterson Elementary School in Louisville, where my officemate Angela's sister works. I am sure the crossing guard thought I was some kind of creepy interstate stalker taking photos.

Finally a beer: I had another
Odell Brewing Company (Fort Collins, CO) offering: an IPA. Again nothing special.
Next I will blue highway across Indiana and Ohio, spending the night with another high school buddy near Cincy.
Finally the other shoe has dropped -- Bill and Ted together again! This is truly a most excellent adventure. I am instantly transported back to Camp Covered Bridge at an early morning 'fall in.' Great to hear about Denny, Sloane and Walter, too. I remember picking up pieces of Sloane's stereo from a field after the '73 tornado. Walter was always a musical guru, I will have to check out his column. And Denny was the first person on the scene when I totaled my Dad's '65 VW bug. He parked his Audi down the road, but his emergency brake failed to hold and the car rolled down a hill and crashed into a stone fence. Tell 'em all I said hello.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the picture! Yep, they probably took your license plate number. They'll come find you when the mascot goes missing.
ReplyDeleteI think I remember that story about Denny's Audi rolling and crashing! And Richard, I thought you drove a VW carmengia . . .
ReplyDeleteAnd that picture of you and Bill . . . seriously and honestly priceless. Worth the trip, right there. Makes me smile . . .
I had to switch to the karmann ghia after I smashed-up the bug.
ReplyDeleteI knew I was going to spell karmann ghia wrong! Oh well.