Sunday my brother Rob and I made the art scene in Charlottesville. Rob and Laura until recently owned an art gallery here:
Migration, A Gallery. Though the "brick and mortar" gallery recently closed, they continue to represent artists, and are very active in the arts community. Rob has a blog about news, reviews, rants and raves in the art world. Check it out:

First we stopped at the
University of Virginia Art Gallery, which reopened Saturday after redefining alot of space. I particularily enjoyed their Hogarths, well known portraits by artists like Rembrandt Peale, and also some of their world renowned Aboriginal art. Rob had hoped to see even more extensive changes than were made. Guess we will get a review soon at

Rob was pleased to be a judge for Charlottesville's
ArtInPlace program last year. He was the "art expert" on the panel selecting outdoor art for the city. Laura is on the panel this year. Here is one of his favorites: Mother and Child. Yes, a little classier than
Big Amos or the
World's Biggest Fork.

We also visited Laura's work place, the
Charlottesville Abermarle SPCA, an impressive no-kill facility. It is amazing to see what these folks can do to take abused and pitiful dogs and cats and transform them through love and attention into wonderful adoptable pets. Just don't go looking for a golden retriever or pomeranian. Fabulous mixed breed pound puppies here! This is Liitle Mo, one of Laura's favorites (who I am sure will be adopted in no time, as he nearly came home with me!). Check out
Little Mo on YouTube.

Speaking of adopted puppies, here is my SIL (sister-in-law) with my "niece" Piper on the right and "nephew" Blue on the left. Laura is in the middle. I am not in the picture.

Highlight of the day was a visit to Rob and Laura's favorite establishment,
BeerRun. This place had every beer imaginable, with a few on tap along with good food. We had a nice lunch and some fine beers, and I picked up an assortment of singles. I loved Nitro Imperial Porter from
Blue Mountain Brewery (Afton, VA). That is Rob on the right. I am on the left. Got to love the name; BIL (brother-in-law) Murray introduced me to the song
B Double E Double R U N a few years back.
Sunday evening I had dinner with my old college friend and teammate Carey Goodman and his wife Helen. He runs a private school teacher placement agency,
Southern Teachers Agency. He made me promise not to tell all the experiences we shared in college with his teenage daughter (particularily the one involving vodka and Fanta), but we had enough to keep her entertained.
Tomorrow I reverse back to Baltimore to see my college friend Bunny Horine Renaud in Baltimore, and go to Camden Yards. Note I said go to Camden Yards as opposed to see the Orioles play, as the game will be the secondary attraction.
Ohhh. That dig about the Orioles hurts. They are my favorite baseball team, if you remember. Have a great time and hope you enjoy some crab cakes!
ReplyDeleteGreat visit, Brother. Happy to show off our little bit of C'ville.
ReplyDeleteFYI: If anyone is interested in Mo... The SPCA will arrange for transport to your home.
When is Blue coming to Portland?
ReplyDeleteAnd I want to go to Beer Run! I'll sit next to Piper.
Ted, I'm assuming you have a notebook full of beers and ideas that we need at the Happy Puppy. I look forward to your debriefing on your way back through P-town.
Kate - You should shoot for Mo, not Blue.
ReplyDelete"P-town"?? Shouldn't that be "P-land"?
Give Kate a break. She still thinks she's living in Canada. Keeps asking how I'm getting my packages through customs! She forgets that "P-town" is there are no whales to watch! :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd while Ella and Ruby think Mo is cute, they ask that we pass on him (her?) They are sort of pure-bread snobs. Go figure. However, they are very interested in visiting the Happy Puppy in P-town! Ella likes stouts, and Ruby likes a good Irish Red.